Maps of the Week

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Cover of the Map of the Week

[NoodlePride] RuPaul - Sissy That Walk

By fruhead Verified

To celebrate Pride Month and the LGBTQ+ community, Fruhead went out of his way to make a dancable, full-spread map to this song by drag queen RuPaul!

Cover of the Map of the Week

Butter - BTS

By aggrogahu Verified and simplymarvellous Verified

This map stood out for its amazing mapping and lighting, and for its innovative use of the TinyTan characters in the stage! The hard work that went into this map really shows, which is why we chose it as this week's pick.

Cover of the Map of the Week

Tokyo Machine - PAUSE (Modchart)

By nitronik.exe Verified

PAUSE only barely fell short to last week's map, Foolish of Me, which is why we're featuring it this week! It features great two-colored lighting and great mapping, but above all, nitronik went out of his way to add clever Noodle Extensions effects to bring the song to life, which were carefully refined over the course of multiple months, with the help of multiple testplayers.

Cover of the Map of the Week

Foolish Of Me - Seven Lions, Jason Ross & Crystal Skies feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn

By jafdy Verified

We're happy to present this map as an astounding achievement that we feel deserves to be recognised. The lighting is excellent, and the maps (including a modchart courtesy of Jafdy) are a ton of fun with a good level of craftsmanship. There's certainly a lot of effort involved in wrangling together a group of mappers to produce a polished product, but the work certainly paid off.

Cover of the Map of the Week

Eve - 夜は仄か (Yoru wa Honoka)

By pyrowarfare Verified

It is well done, it flows nicely with the music and I had a lot of fun playing it.

Cover of the Map of the Week

Various Artists - Beat Saber OST Megamix

By Alphabeat Verified , FireStrike_ Verified , jamman360 Verified , Lethrial Verified , Pixelguy Verified , Bytrius Verified , ETAN Verified , Timeweaver Verified , nitronik.exe Verified and mcchucho Verified

Each section has it's own flow and speed, thus it never gets bored - something thats really non trivial with a 12 minute map + having a full spread of difficulties.The dedication of the artists on this map shows that although Beat Saber by itself is a good game , what makes it GREAT and worth while past the first 15 minute hype is the MODDERS community with thier creative thinking, thus expanding the games potential anew each time !Keep up the amazing work :) !

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