Maps of the Week

A Perfect Circle - Imagine [Chroma+]
An incredible Chroma+ lightshow used as a heartfelt statement from the mapper, paired with great flowing patterns across all difficulties. Truly a work of art.

Finana Ryugu - TSUNAMI
This map stands out for its spicy tech in expert plus, lovely lighting that feels great with cinema, and accessible full spread!

[Ranked] [Chroma] Teminite - Unstoppable
Elecast and SmokeyBacon
The creative patterns and flow, accessible full spread and great chroma light show that is intense without blinding make this map shine!

Justice - Phantom Pt. II (Chroma 2.4)
This map stands out for its great visual presentation, beautiful chroma light show, and accessible full difficulty spread that is well designed on each diff!

Exyl - Ping! 2 [Chroma 2.5]
GojiCrafter , 3Stans
and Phoenix
This map stands out for its great chroma light show that works well with the cinema, fun representation of sounds throughout the map, and its accessible full spread plus extra single saber and lawless diffs!

[Chroma] Srav3R - Multicolored
This map stands out for its beautiful mapping on all diffs, really unique bomb flow and very clean chroma light show that perfectly matches the mapping! The varying note colours are also a very nice touch!

USAO - Perfect Army [Ranked]
This map stands out for its great flow and emphasis and is good for working on accuracy! It also features excellent down mapping that is fun for all skill levels!

[Remastered] Pixel Terror - Millennia
The great pattern variety, representation and use of walls combine to immerse you in the music and make you dance! The very nice lightshow and well-spaced full difficulty spread also make this map shine! Love the inclusion of the original DITR2 diffs as lawless ones, really demonstrates just how far Phoenix has progressed!

ShinRa-Bansho - Pure-Hearted Armeria
This map stands out for its great lighting that synergizes with the Cinema video, highly polished presentation and novel use of note colours! The well spaced full difficulty spread makes it accessible while being challenging to masters!

Akatsuki Records - Deep Breath
A breathtaking light show + great flow, emphasis and movement in the mapping combine to make this map a fully immersive and engaging experience! The 3.25 to 6.88 diff spread makes it accessible to almost all players and the lower diffs are as much fun as the uppers!

[UnAlive Pack] Q - Calliope Mori x Gawr Gura x DECO*27
This map stands out for its comfy but interesting patterns that represent the music very well and its lovely light show! A nice progression of difficulties that do a great job of retaining the feeling of the upper diffs makes this dancy map enjoyable and accessible for everybody!

Brisk x S3RL - History Maker (ft. Tamika) [Chroma]
Great mapping that shines in its creativity and a beautiful Kaleidoscope chroma light show make this map stand out! Accessibility in the lowers that carry the same energy as the top diffs make this an awesome map for everybody!

Made Me This Way - Seraphine
Beautiful light show and noodle effects, combined with comfortable patterns with great flow, make this a very immersive and enjoyable map to play. The novice difficulty with full spread gives everyone the chance to enjoy the experience!

[Fitbeat] Rêve - CTRL + ALT + DEL
Scarladore managed to merge dance, fitness, and tech aspects seamlessly, resulting in an interesting and refreshing map! Leans, sliders, bombs, and walls are used very effectively to convey movement and create emphasis, turning this map into a fun dance experience that will leave you sweating afterwards.

Falling In Reverse - Zombified
A great vanilla light show that captures the intensity of the song without compromising readability and patterns that flow with solid emphasis and movement make this map stand out! The well spaced full difficulty spread from 7.3 to 2.8 nps means it can be enjoyed by everybody!