We're Looking For Authors!

Join our Author Team! đź“ť

The BeastSaber Team is looking for additional Authors to write articles for the BeastSaber site!

Do you enjoy writing? Are you "in the know" with cool things going on around the community? Do you know someone in the community who has an interesting story to tell? We'd love to have you write about it on our site!

Join our Discord server and reach out to TheCzar1994!

Don't have a Discord? We'd strongly recommend getting one so you can join in on conversations with the rest of the team, but you can also reach out on Twitter or email us.


While the Author Team is still fairly new, we can answer some questions right away.

What are the expectations?

  • As a team, we want to get out at least 1 high-quality article per month, usually on the 1st of each month. This does not mean you, personally, need to write something every month. If everyone works together, you could go a couple months without writing anything (though you can definitely write more if you want - we're not going to hold back your creativity!).

  • Articles written should be ready for review a minimum of 2 days prior to the 1st of the month that the article is scheduled so that someone can review it for grammar and clarity. So to avoid constant revisions, an article only needs to be reviewed by one other person (and subsequently to verify corrections are made). Admin staff may also review and request corrections.

  • Try to find interesting things to write about! If you're into Tournaments and events, you could do pre and post-tournament/event recaps and interview participants! These could even be in the form of a video interview if you're able to. If you're passionate about mapping and the editor, you could help write some tutorials on using the Official Editor and the changes made as updates come out for it! If you're passionate about mappers, feel free to interview some well-known mappers! Please use sound judgment on what to write about, and if you’re not sure it’d be a good article, feel free to ask for advice!

Don't want to commit to being on the team but still want to participate?

We understand that a commitment to the team might be a little intimidating. If you just want to dip your toes in the water and try out your writing suit, we'd still love to hear from you! It helps if you know what you want to write about, so try to have something in mind!

Do I get anything for participating?

Like most things in the custom Beat Saber community, the time here is volunteer. We are trying to come up with more benefits for those that write for us though! Currently, you'll have a small "About the Author" section at the bottom of articles you write where you can promote your social media accounts and tell people about yourself! We're also working on Author Profiles (currently in a concept stage) which would likely have customizable features specific to you! If you're in our Discord server, you'll also get an "Author" role!

Got any other questions?

Reach out either on Discord, Twitter, or email!